To make a loan payment from another financial institution to a loan you have here at PFFCU, please follow these instructions.
- Type in first and last name
- Enter email address
- Enter the number “1” in the field titled “Control Number” followed by your account number
- Enter PFFCU Loan Number
- Choose which account you would like your payment to come out of, checking or savings
- Enter routing number of the other financial institution
- Enter the account number of the financial institution
- Enter the amount of your payment
- Enter the withdrawal date
- Choose one time or recurring
To get started click below.
To transfer funds from another financial institution to an account here at PFFCU, follow these instructions.
- Chose whether the funds are coming from the checking or savings account
- Enter the routing number of the other financial institution
- Enter account number
- Enter the withdrawal amount
- Enter the date of withdrawal
- Choose one time or recurring
- Enter first and last name
- Enter email address
- Enter the number “1” in the field titled “Control Number” followed by your account number
- Chose PFFCU checking or savings account for deposit
To get started click below.