Loan Information
Primary Information

Priority First Federal Credit Union Loan Application

Will this be a Single or Joint Application?*

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

Enter a value no greater than 999,999

Enter a value no greater than 999,999

Repayment Method

Would you like Payment Protection with this loan?

Personal Information

Primary Applicant - Personal information

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

Complete for joint credit, secured credit, or if you live in a community property state*

Employment information

Credit information


Is the property described your principal dwelling?

Any proceeds for a Refinanced Mortgage, Home Equity, or Home Improvement?

Is the property described listed as the applicant's address in the "Personal Information" section?

Is anyone other than your spouse a part owner of your home?

Have you ever had a car or other personal property repossessed by a dealer or finance company, filed for bankruptcy, or been a party to a wage assignment or collection suit, or have you ever been declined on a loan application with this credit union?


No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

Additional Questions

Are you other than a US citizen or permanent resident alien?*

Have you had property foreclosed upon or given a deed in lieu of foreclosure in the last 7 years?*

Joint Information

Joint Applicant - Personal information

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

Complete for joint credit, secured credit, or if you live in a community property state *

Employment information

Credit information


Is the property described your principal dwelling?

Any proceeds for a Refinanced Mortgage, Home Equity, or Home Improvement?

Is the property described listed as the applicant's address in the "Personal Information" section?

Is anyone other than your spouse a part owner of your home?

Have you ever had a car or other personal property repossessed by a dealer or finance company, filed for bankruptcy, or been a party to a wage assignment or collection suit, or have you ever been declined on a loan application with this credit union?


No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

Additional Questions

Are you a US citizen or permanent resident alien?

Have you had property foreclosed upon or given a deed in lieu of foreclosure in the last 7 years?

Agree and Submit

Disclosure and Agreement to Terms

You promise that everything you have stated in this application is correct to the best of your knowledge and that the above information is a complete listing of what you owe. If there are any important changes you will notify us in writing immediately. You authorize the Credit Union to obtain credit reports in connection with this application for credit and for any update, renewal or extension of the credit received. You understand that the Credit Union will rely on the information in this application and your credit report to make its decision. If you request, the Credit Union will tell you the name and address of any credit bureau from which it received a credit report on you. It is a federal crime to willfully and deliberately provide incomplete or incorrect information on loan applications made to federal credit unions or state chartered credit unions insured by NCUA.

Do you agree with the above terms and conditions? *


Do you agree with the above terms and conditions?*