Board of Directors

Credit Unions are not-for-profit cooperatives that help their members realize their financial goals. Members are ‘owners’ of the Credit Union that elect other members to serve on the Board of Directors, and each member of the Board serves on a volunteer basis, receiving no compensation. Our Board is responsible for overseeing and final decision-making of funds, records, etc. to ensure our Credit Union is operating in the best interests of our members.

Board of Directors

Mark AdamsChairman
Mike Crytser1st Vice Chairman
Robert Presto2nd Vice Chairman
Brian AndersonSecretary
Alan ClouseTreasurer
Kevin KrinerMember
Jeff LuzierMember
Thomas MillerMember
Rodney PattersonMember
Danny ReynoldsMember
Jill ZimmermanMember

Supervisory Committee

Danny ReynoldsChairman
James CrawfordMember
Terry CrawfordMember
John RaybuckMember
Val BarracloughMember
Joseph MichalskiAdvisor
Barbara PrestoAdvisor

Management Team

Alan ClouseCEO
Ann Marie DeGennaro-RayChief Operating Officer
Jen WolfgangVP of Human Resources
Jessica SmithVP of Deposit Operations
Mark PisarcikVP of Finance